Efficient Service Desk: where to start?

Implementing an efficient and well-structured service is a fundamental step for companies that deal with customers on a daily basis. In this article, we are not only addressing companies in the services or trade sector: in fact, your colleague who requires an internal service can also be your “customer”. It is important to remember that…

Illustration Service Desk


Structuring your service in a modern way is undoubtedly a challenge.

The challenge of putting your activities in order and working better, with greater control of your time.
A challenge very often dictated by requirements, such as:

Organizing your time efficiently
Coping with growing requests from customers, while providing a service that is always top-notch
Certifications required for quality and access to data

My work takes up a lot of time, how do I start structuring the service?
The lack of time implies that time has to be found.
Here are some tips on how to take your time and be able to begin a change.


Involve management from the very beginning: a manager understands it is convenient to give up some routine activities in order to dedicate time to the start of a new structured service. To do this, make the economic and efficiency advantages that derive from a reorganization of the service clear.
Get colleagues and customers to trust the new tool: making it clear to the most reluctant that they will be able to work better and focus better on daily work, while their requests will be processed faster with priorities tailored to the actual needs.


Implementing an excellent service does not happen “by chance”.
Here are a few tips to choose the most suitable approach:

Learn about current best practices. There are tons of tools and many professionals out there who definitely know what you’re talking about.
Choose the right partner: Take time to carefully evaluate consulting companies. Get to know their consultants and identify who may be best suited to help you implement the service
Choose carefully your tools: select a modern and interactive solution. If possible, involve customers (internal or external) in the choice, so to avoid the trap of “well, you decided it, I think it was better before”.


The advice we can give you is not to want to implement everything at once. From experience, indeed, the service should be structured step by step, gradually introducing change within your organization

Write clearly your needs: organize a meeting with the people involved in the change: managers, collaborators and consultancy companies. Retrieve all their needs and make them aware that not everything can be implemented from the start.
Prioritize what matters: we can tell you from experience, start with the most “stringent” issues. For example, if you have 10 processes to structure don’t start thinking about completing them all in a month. Start with the simplest, take some time to exercise and test the new process and tool. This creates less stress for collaborators, partners and all those who will have to adapt to the new management of service.
Streamline processes: having too many steps in day-to-day operations may be redundant, unless these are explicitly requested. Focus instead your efforts on eliminating the actions and controls that are not mandatory for achieving a structured and easy-to-manage process.


We have definitely given you a lot of information to convince you to start this wonderful adventure: modernizing your service management. We also know that you may be wondering where to technically start structuring it. Here are the main focuses:

Workflow: define the service management flow very well, from the opening of a request to its closure
Types of requests: identify the types of services you offer to your customers and make them easily accessible
Categories: categorize requests properly in order to make them more accessible and manageable


Last, but not least, we highly advice not to back down.
Structuring a service is like a sporting activity: at first you sweat, but then sacrifices are paid off, even in a short time. The only consideration is to start the change process determined and not stop at the very beginning, feeling overwelmed.


The benefits you can obtain are truly manifold and will improve the quality of your work and your life

More time for yourself: you can focus on the activities that really matter.
A business card that counts: you can make a impeccable impression with customers and management enhancing your daily work
Less stress: you will no longer be at the mercy of customer requests. Providing a quick reply without wasting energy in managing reminders or complaints allows you to work more peacefully.

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