10 good reasons to use a CRM solution

What problems can a CRM software solve? What benefits can it bring? What are the main aspects in choosing the most suitable tool for your business?

10 reasons to use a CRM

It is now well known what a CRM software is. What only few people know are the real benefits it brings in terms of productivity and resource optimization, and how important a CRM is today for organizations in terms of innovation and digital transformation.

The term CRM, acronym for Customer Relationship Management, spread in the early 90s and it initially referred generically to the management of customer relationship by taking advantage of constant data collection, monitoring and analysis. Since then the term has evolved, CRM refers today to software and applications that manage, monitor and optimize interactions with customers and prospects, through data analysis.

There are three main types of CRM on the market: operational, analytical and collaborative. Each of these typologies focuses on a specific aspect, from the simplification and optimization of business processes, to data analysis, to collaborative and data integration aspects.

Each organization may have different needs. Fortunately, there are CRM solutions on the market that meet all the requirements in a single platform. Companies from different sectors and sizes can take advantage of a CRM: from small businesses, to large manufacturing industries, to the public administration.

Let’s now see what are the 10 good reasons to use a CRM solution for your business:

1. Automation of sales processes.

Organizing the information of customers and potential ones in a structured and accessible way from a single platform allows better data management but also an optimization of task resolution time and a shorter acquisition and sale process. Profiling becomes much more immediate and actions carried out on the defined target are more performing.This constitutes an optimal basis for the management of automated promotion campaigns that involve sending of commercial communications, data analysis and follow-ups.

2. 24/7 access to information

A CRM solution allows businesses to store existing and potential customer data, monitor interactions with them and share this information with collaborators, all through a single platform. The information is accessible 24/7 also from any device in case of a CRM cloud solution.

3. Better segmentation

Having full control of data allows you to have greater awareness of what are the opportunities and the status of each process. Organized and tracked information allows for greater user profiling and consequently better segmentation. For example, it is possible to create groups of users sharing the same characteristics, but also to increase the effectiveness of commercial campaigns thanks to better accuracy and effective monitoring of the campaigns’ outcome.

4. More customization and tailor-made offers

With a well-structured and customizable CRM, it is possible to create a targeted and tailored path for the user with precise and dedicated actions. This will let you satisfy his/her needs with custom proposals, in line with his/her characteristics.

5. Quicker and more accurate Follow ups

Optimizing the sales follow-up process is essential in order to achieve maximum performance. To reach certain objectives, a quality CRM can be the ideal tool for planning an optimal collaboration between departments, especially marketing and sales, and for supporting the sales team in the development of its strategies.

6. Reduction of manual errors

Report creation, continuous information update, collection and analysis of data require lots of time and possibility of manual errors is high. Using a CRM solution saves work hours and resources involved thanks to the automatic generation of reports, increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the work performed and reducing considerably business costs.

7. Flexibility based on external variables

A flexible CRM allows you to meet business needs promptly, obtaining tangible results in short terms. A scalable framework allows a company to grow hand in hand with the tools it uses, in order to meet its needs and easily manage the amount of data collected

8. More collaboration between business departments

The ability to organize data, share them, segment them and monitor them efficiently improves the quality of interaction between the various business areas. Customer Relationship management is structured to favor the collaboration of different departments, mainly sales and marketing. This allows to maximize customer acquisition, enhance relationships with users and build loyalty.

9. Better quality of work.

Thanks to the tracking and monitoring of customer interactions through different contact points, it is possible to obtain fundamental information, such as interaction history, communication type, or previous purchases of a user. A simplification of work and greater clarity of information lead to a drastic decrease in complexity, an increase in work gratification and an improvement in the quality of time. More results in less time, greater satisfaction and a more profitable interactions, internal and external.

10. Cost savings

The adoption of a software solution usually needs to be beneficial in economic terms. Optimizing productivity, using a single tool capable of grouping multiple touch points, reducing resources needed for data collection and reporting activities entails an enormous advantage: savings. Less tools, fewer hours of work and in some cases fewer employees involved for better results.

We have presented an overview of the main advantages given by a CRM solution, however, do not forget there are many software on the market, which differ a lot when it comes to costs and characteristics.

A Customer Relationship Management software, used to manage, control and maintain customers, accounts, contacts and leads, must be able to respond to the real needs of commercial agents and improve their profitability. It is important that it presents certain technical characteristics and is quick to implement and user friendly.  

Deepser is an Italian software, which can be integrated with any other management software already used by the company; it is quick to implement, customizable and easy to use. Perfect for account management and performance monitoring, with unlimited custom fields: a powerful, flexible and highly customizable tool to better plan activities and check the progress of each project, thanks also to the Service and Calendar modules integrated into the software.

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