Help Desk Software for Custom Service

Success case for the complete management of the Customer Service. An integrated approach for the provision of assistance services, contract management and personalized reports with intervention reports.

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Help Desk Software Customer Service

Customers who have chosen us

What does Deepser offer?

Here we list some of the features that have been used to offer our customers the best solution on the market.

Help Desk Contract


Help Desk Service


Help Desk Report


The company in brief

The company produces and sells digital solutions that involve the entire corporate information management cycle: from the digitization of processes, data and documents to electronic invoicing, from digital signatures to electronic storage, directly providing assistance to customers on the solutions offered. He also deals with consultancy in the field of digitalisation and innovation of business processes and document flows.


Head office: Faenza (RA)
Sector: IT services and consultancy
Size: 30 employees


Software development, distribution and resale
IT services
Business consultancy


Help desk challange
Have complete visibility into contracts
Offer efficient customer support
Develop customized reports
Manage all your information in one tool
Help Desk Solution


Deepser Plus License
Integration between Service, Contracts, CRM and Report modules


Thanks to Deepser, the company has all the data relating to contracts and customer service in a single platform in which the technical, commercial, administrative and development offices are involved. This leads to significant savings in time and costs in managing activities. Furthermore, a proactive approach to customer management is now more easily possible, and their experience with the company has significantly improved.

The company was able to adapt Deepser to its services, thanks to the flexibility in configuration: many custom filters, grids and reports were created. Furthermore, the company is autonomous in configuring the platform, an important aspect when purchasing the solution.


Problem Identification

The company had a ticket management solution developed internally and not integrated with the contract tool. He wasted a lot of time checking the contractual conditions, the remaining hours and renewals. Furthermore, requests were made by customers by email and telephone, further slowing down work activities.

Needs and goals

Have a clear view of all customer contracts and their deadlines
Manage the support service in an orderly manner, automating activities as much as possible
Develop customized reports, with different visibility depending on use
ITSM Service Management

How Deepser met the company’s needs

Initially the company implemented Deepser’s Service Desk module to collect and manage different types of customer requests, such as requests for intervention, information or reports of anomalies. It has activated the Customer Portal in which customers have visibility of the services dedicated to them and can independently download reports with information regarding calls and assistance activated by them in certain periods of time. After a year, the company decided to also use the Contracts module, integrating it with the Service. The migration of contracts from the software previously in use was simple and orderly, thanks to Deepser’s Import module.

The company uses Contract Lines to manage hourly contracts and automatically scale the activities done on tickets. There can be multiple lines for the same contract, dedicated to different services. License fees (monthly and annual) and related deadlines are also managed in this way. Furthermore, for tacit-renewal contracts, recurring lines have been configured which are automatically activated upon expiry. Custom filters, grids and reports have been configured to facilitate data visualization. Furthermore, export to Excel and CSV of the grids has been enabled. Finally, for greater control over the service offered, the company has configured SLA for internal use, thus tracking the times for taking on tasks and resolving requests.


Complete visibility into contracts
The hours of assistance done for each ticket are deducted automatically, reducing the possibility of error
Customers see the status of their contracts in the dedicated portal
Custom reports relating to the Service and Contracts are automatically generated
Ticket Helpdesk

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