Help Desk Software for IT

Success case for complete IT service management. An integrated approach to delivering IT, CMDB and Project services.

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Help desk software IT

Customers who have chosen us

What does Deepser offer?

Here we list some of the features that have been used to offer our customers the best solution on the market.


Help desk device


Help Desk Modular Solution


The company in brief

The largest distribution and assistance group for various automotive brands is present in Italy with 45 offices in 8 regions. The Group aims to be the Best Mobility Partner for its customers and the best working environment for its collaborators. The company is 100% owned by the largest automotive distribution group in Europe.


Location: 45 locations in 8 regions
Sector: automotive
Size: 2000+ employees


Distribution and assistance for various automotive brands


Help desk challange
Offer a more efficient internal IT support service
Optimize communication and coordination between the different company offices
Find a complete and customizable software solution
Help Desk Solution


Deepser Plus License
Integration between Service, ITAM and CMDB modules


With Deepser the company manages flows and procedures in a uniform and shared way between the various Group offices. He also noted that communication between departments has improved and so has the service offered.

The IT department has real-time control and visibility of the status of support requests. It also manages IT assets in a capillary and detailed way, reducing intervention times and optimizing purchases.


Problem Identification

The company did not have a system in place to manage internal IT support. The different company offices operated independently and differently from each other. With the birth of the Group, this disintegration of information and lack of communication led to imbalances and malfunctions. As a consequence, the company struggled to keep up with the changes that the evolution of the sector brings with it.

Needs and goals

Adopt complete and easily customizable software to standardize work between different company locations and optimize coordination between employees
Manage requests and data with defined and shared flow procedures
ITSM Service Management

How Deepser met the company’s needs

Initially, the company adopted the Service Desk module to manage all internal IT requests in a unified and automated way. By doing so it reduced intervention times and made communication between departments more efficient. Subsequently, the company decided to manage and monitor all company IT assets, even those of segregated networks, thanks to the IT Asset Manager.

Using a Remote Collector, the various subnets are automatically scanned, detecting all devices connected to the network. Instead, an Agent was installed where the device was not detectable via network scan. To ensure total control of the IT infrastructure and devices used by employees, the CMDB module was implemented, which offers a complete and organized inventory of all company resources, such as: PCs, monitors, smartphones, SIM cards and printers by tracking assignments to various users and automating delivery forms.


Efficient IT support management
Creation of a complete asset inventory
Automatic monitoring of IT assets
Digitalization of workflows
Faster and more precise communication between departments
Improvement of company performance and the service offered
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