Help desk software VS CRM software: how to choose best?

Choosing between help desk and CRM software depends on your business goals. If you prioritize customer support and inquiry management, opt for help desk software. For centralized customer data and integrating sales and marketing, a CRM system is better. Assess your needs to make a strategic decision aligned with your objectives.

Illustration Help Desk vs CRM

In the historic contrast between CRM and help desk software, which tool deserves your attention?

It’s no surprise that most people use the terms CRM and Help Desk software inappropriately and often interchangeably. So, are there similarities between the two tools? If not, what are the differences? Frankly, both tools are designed to address different challenges depending on the specific needs of each business.

To give you a clear and definitive answer to the question posed by this article, we will compare CRM with the help desk. Sit back and relax, as we have already done the heavy lifting for you. Before we start drawing conclusions, we would first like to define each software and the unique benefits they provide. Next, we will explore the main areas of difference between these two types of software.

Are you ready? Let’s start!

What is a CRM software?

Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is a business tool that helps you manage your company’s interactions with customers and prospects, within a single platform. Dedicated CRM software helps a business store crucial information, build better customer relationships, and increase profitability.

 Decades ago, customer information was spread across multiple desks and offices. While the CEO had information about some of the most important customers, the sales staff had some information about others.

The revolution occurred when it was understood that data integration corresponded to an exponential increase in company profitability. Today, CRM software combines all communications (modules, calls, social media requests, emails, texts, quotes, purchase orders) into a single platform for better visibility.

Why use a CRM for your business?

Modern marketing and sales operations are incomplete without dedicated CRM software. Still don’t believe it?
Here are the main benefits of using a customer relationship management system:

1. Centralizing important customer data

CRM system helps you store all customer data in one place so that your team members can access it anytime, anywhere. You can store different types of information in the database: contact name, email address, contact history, orders, social profiles, and other parameters. In other words, a centralized data storage platform is essential to ensure the success of a modern business.

2. Tracking and converting leads

A lead refers to a potential customer who is interested in your business, i.e. any specific product or service. Now, your marketing team is responsible for generating leads through different acquisition channels such as: social media, email marketing, PPC ads, and offline activities. All this data can be stored in your CRM, allowing your team to monitor the lifecycle of each lead from a shared dashboard. The sales team will then be able to access lead information and contact them to convert it into paying customers.

3. Segmenting your audience

For any business, there are different customers at different stages of the buyer’s journey. While one may have recently shown interest in your product at an event, another may be a loyal supporter of your brand. CRM software allows you to reach different customers using different techniques. For example, a representative can filter the customer list by age, location, company size, product, and more. If your company has launched a new product for the 18-35 age group, your agents will be able to easily filter the target audience.

4. Automating your sales process

Another crucial benefit of a CRM tool is that it can free your team from repetitive and error-prone tasks. With powerful automation features, your team can leverage automated tasks and get more done in less time.
For example, you can share promotional emails with thousands of customers and potential customers with just one click. Likewise, your team members will be able to receive reminders and alerts scheduled based on specific business needs. Finally, you will be able to automate the process of assigning new leads among sales professionals.

5. Improving decision making with reports

Data is crucial for any business when it comes to making reliable decisions. However, data is not useful until it is filtered, organized, and presented through visually appealing graphs and charts.

CRM platforms can help you unlock data and insights that aren’t visible to the naked eye. With the help of relevant metrics, you can track the performance of your sales reps and track the performance of different marketing campaigns. Additionally, CRM software also gives you the ability to filter, download, and share reports with key stakeholders.

What is a ticketing system?

A ticketing system is a powerful tool that can help your business convert customer requests, problems, and complaints into support tickets. Customer service agents can take necessary actions on tickets, such as adding labels, prioritizing urgent questions, assigning them to different departments, and marking them as closed once the issue is resolved.

Modern help desk softwares allow users to create a dedicated self-service portal where they can find answers to their questions, using help articles, video tutorials, FAQs and more.

Read more: Best help desk software of 2024.

Why use a ticketing system for your business?

Ticketing systems can help your business manage high volumes of inquiries, problem reports and complaints. But that is not all.

Here are the top 5 benefits that show how ticketing systems can help your business grow:

1. Capture requests from multiple channels

Gone are the days when customers visited your office to inquire or file complaints. According to recent surveys, 64% of customers said email is their preferred channel for contacting a company for assistance. 36% prefer social media and 30% choose telephone support.

2. Capture issues from multiple channels

Whether customers contact you via email or live chat, a ticketing system can record all conversations from start to finish. This way, agents don’t have to waste time switching between tools and can view all support-related messages in one place.

3. Facilitate team collaboration

Remember that you will take your customer service to the next level when everyone on your team comes together to solve complex customer problems. A ticketing system gives you the right platform to improve team collaboration.

4. Organize issues by categories, statuses, and priorities

What problem needs urgent attention? Which complaint needs assistance from the logistics team? You will only know the answers to these questions once you activate the ticketing system.

Labels are tags that can be used to distinguish tickets. For example, an agent can add the label “Billing” to a ticket to get the attention of the accounting or administrative department.

Likewise, agents can also organize tickets based on their priorities (High, Low or Normal). Additionally, you can assign different statuses (e.g. New, In Process, Waiting for Customer, Expired, Closed, etc.) for better categorization of tickets.

5. Track valuable service metrics

Online ticketing systems offer built-in reporting and analytics to help you make the right decisions at the right time. Support managers can see which areas are doing well and which require more effort.
You can track popular customer service metrics, such as average ticket response time, resolution time, open tickets, customer satisfaction, and more. Based on your team’s goals, you can prioritize these metrics to evaluate performance related to internal processes.

6. Better yourself with customer feedback

You can hire the best customer service professionals or invest in AI technology. But what do customers really think about your service? Well, there’s only one way to find out.

A ticketing system allows you to share email surveys with customers immediately after their support interaction. Customers can rate their experience on a given scale and share what went well or what could be improved.

7. Better yourself with customer feedback

Tracking these ratings over time can help customer service managers track agent performance. If an agent consistently receives high ratings, you can reward and encourage this behavior through recognition or incentives.

CRM and ticketing system: what are the similarities.

Maybe right now you are wondering if CRM and help desk have anything in common? The answer is yes.

Both business platforms are focused on storing and monitoring customer communications. Your team members can easily monitor conversations taking place across different channels such as email, phone, live chat, social media, SMS, etc.

Besides this, there is another important similarity between the two. Both tools can help you build customer loyalty and increase profitability by improving the customer experience across multiple touchpoints.

Now that we’ve explored the similarities, it’s time to focus on the differences between help desk and CRM.

CRM and ticketing system: what are the differences.

When comparing CRM to the ticketing system, you will notice that there are some stark differences between the two. While some differences are common, others you will be surprised to discover.

1. Strategic VS Reactive

Both tools are quite different in their overall approach. CRM tools take a strategic approach to improve customer lifetime value (CLV). Sales experts can observe customers’ purchasing behavior, segment their audiences and reach them with dedicated strategies.

On the other hand, a help desk takes a more reactive approach: agents only resolve issues when they are brought to their attention by customers.

2. Sales and customer service

Ask any layman the difference between CRM and a ticketing system and they will tell you that the former is meant for sales teams while the latter is for support teams. CRM platforms are commonly used by marketers for lead generation and sales representatives for the sales phase.

3. Customer relationship and service experience

The CRM database stores important information that can be used by marketing and sales professionals to build long-term relationships with customers. In contrast, a ticketing system focuses primarily on the service experience, which represents a specific part of the user experience.

4. Encouraging communication and preventing unnecessary communication

There is another important area of difference between CRM and ticketing solutions. Marketing teams always try to start a conversation with potential customers to pique their interest in the products or services they sell. On the other hand, a ticketing system can help you reduce ticket volume. For example, you can create a knowledge base to encourage self-service and avoid unnecessary contact.

Which one should you choose?

CRM or ticketing system, which one to choose?

If you want to consolidate your ever-growing customer data in one place, a CRM database may be the ideal solution. Your marketing and sales professionals can work together, track the progress of leads, and monitor the overall status of each customer.

If you want to automate your customer support process and monitor agent performance, help desk software is a great bet. You can start with a basic plan and then upgrade to more expensive plans as your needs grow.

What if there was a single tool that could perfectly satisfy both needs?

This tool exists and it’s called Deepser!

Deepser is help desk software with integrated CRM and helps you bridge the gap between sales and support teams. Support agents can access 360-degree customer information to deliver highly personalized service experiences. Leads generated via live chat, (an important feature of a help desk) can also be stored in your favorite CRM.

Software Help Desk and CRM: the perfect partnership!

I CRM e i sistemi di ticketing vengono adottati dalle organizzazioni per raggiungere un obiettivo comune: fidelizzare i clienti e aumentare le vendite.

CRMs and ticketing systems are adopted by organizations to achieve a common goal: retain customers and increase sales. In conclusion, the answer to the question we asked ourselves in this article is: why choose if there is a tool that integrates all the features of a CRM and ticketing system?

If you are looking for a single tool that can satisfy both needs, you are in the right place: Deepser is the perfect solution!

Request the free demo and find out how we can make your life easier!

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